Sunday, November 23, 2008

Ashley Dupre, gtfo my tv.

I'm watching CNN in my living room and up next on Reliable Sources is a segment on Ashley Dupre. I have really mixed feelings about her. She's trying to milk it and the sad thing is she probably thinks it'll work. Just because she's prettier than Heidi Fleiss it doesn't mean people are going to see her as anything other than a high-class call girl. So she brought down the Governor of New York. Who cares? Wouldn't be the first time a politician was caught with his dick in his hand.

I get annoyed though because the media calls it a sleazy sex story or they say that Ashley is so sad. The only sad thing is that she didn't even know it was the Governor. The girl is DUMB so I guess she does fall into the stereotype in that respect. Oh, Ashley.

The both of them got off (oh I punned) without charges. Why can't they just take that and go away quietly? I would've taken the money I made and moved to Europe.

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