Friday, November 28, 2008

"I'm making turkey meatloaf for my cat"


So yesterday morning I woke up to a text from the one with the cat at about 4:45am asking me to come over on Thanksgiving for a quickie. Seeing as how I'm trying to get out of town this weekend, I'm not turning down any appointments. He's a regular of mine anyway so it was no big deal.

I get there right on time and he lets me in. I move over to the couch and we start chit-chatting. I was only scheduled for 15 minutes so we sped through the pleasantries and got down to work. I will always see this guy because #1- he's easy, b- he's close, and 4- he brings epic lulz.

As I'm hurrying to get my clothes on and gtfo the door so I can indulge in turkey he says he's going to spend the day with his cat and make her turkey meatloaf.

What a sad, sad specimen, oh my.

1 comment:

Roby Gupta said...

Thanks for Sharing helpfull information
